
This doc introduces a typical data model design example for community apps.

Common Blogging Application Data Model Design

A community app provides a platform for users where they can post, comment and share. Community interaction applications involve multiple data tables, primarily including Users, Posts, Comments, Private Messages, and User Relationships. Below, we detail the design and permission settings of these tables.

Users Table

The Users table is fundamental in community interaction applications, storing basic information and tracking community activity based on user roles.

Common Fields

  • ID: An integer type, auto-incremented and unique, serving as the user's unique identifier within the app.

  • Created_at: A timestamp recording the time of user registration.

  • Updated_at: A timestamp noting the last update to a user's information.

  • Username: Text, the nickname or username used by the user within the community.

  • Email: Text, used for registration and password recovery, must be unique.

  • Role: Text, distinguishing between regular users, moderators, and administrators.

  • My Posts: A relational field created by a one-to-many relationship with the Posts table, allowing users to view all posts they have created.

  • My Comments: A relational field resulting from a one-to-many relationship with the Comments table, enabling users to view all comments they have posted.

  • My Private Messages: A relational field established by a one-to-many relationship with the Private Message table, for viewing all private messages received by the user.

Permission Settings

  • When the viewer is the user themselves, they can view all fields and can modify their username and email, but cannot change their role.

  • When the viewer is an administrator, they can view all user information and adjust roles.

Posts Table

The Posts table is the core of community interaction, storing content published by users and related information.

Common Fields

  • ID: An integer, auto-incremented and unique.

  • Created_at: A timestamp indicating when the post was created.

  • Updated_at: A timestamp reflecting the last edit made to the post.

  • Title: Text, the title of the post.

  • Content: Text, detailing the post's content.

  • User ID: An integer relational field linking the post to its author via a many-to-one relationship with the Users table.

  • Comments: A relational field created by a one-to-many relationship with the Comments table, allowing visibility of all comments on the post.

Permission Settings

  • Regular users can view all posts but can only edit or delete their own posts.

  • Moderators and administrators can edit or delete any post.

Comments Table

The Comments table stores responses from users to posts, facilitating part of the community interaction.

Common Fields

  • ID: An integer type, auto-incremented and unique.

  • Post ID: An integer relational field linking the comment to its respective post via a many-to-one relationship with the Posts table.

  • User ID: An integer relational field linking the comment to its author, established through a many-to-one relationship with the Users table.

  • Content: Text type, the actual content of the comment.

  • Creation Time: A timestamp marking when the comment was made.

Permission Settings

  • Users can view all comments but can only edit or delete their own.

  • Administrators can edit or delete any comment.

Private Messages Table

The Private Messages table stores direct message exchanges between users.

  • Common Fields

    • ID: An integer type, auto-incremented and unique.

    • Sender ID: An integer relational field linking the message to its sender, established through a many-to-one relationship with the Users table.

    • Receiver ID: An integer relational field linking the message to its receiver, also established through a many-to-one relationship with the Users table.

    • Content: Text type, detailing the message content.

    • Send Time: A timestamp recording the exact time the message was sent.

Permission Settings

  • Private messages can only be viewed by the sender and the receiver.

  • Users cannot modify or delete messages once sent.


Designing the data model for a community interaction application involves meticulous planning of table fields and relationships, ensuring smooth communication and proper management of permissions. A well-structured data model significantly enhances the app's functionality and user experience.


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